Sunday Sevens #39 10.7.16

The chaos of the last week of term grew to a crescendo last week. I spent most of the week chasing my tail and despite copious lists of things which I needed to do I still managed to miss a meeting and missed a deadline for some forms to be handed in, which were sitting patiently waiting on the sideboard in plenty of time. 

You know that feeling when you are so full you can’t eat any more? My brain’s been a bit like that – there’s no room for anything else! Add to that three young voices all speaking to me at the same time and I’m afraid I’ve almost gone into involuntary shut down!!!

So against the backdrop of all this busyness  (some of which is my own doing, although most has been foisted upon me) I have decided to look for the few calm positive moments which have happened to me this week. By next week, we will be in full school holiday mode and clock watching will be a thing of the past, not to be thought about again until September – how wonderful is that? 🙂


What to do about teacher gifts? I really don’t remember giving teachers presents when I left school at the end of summer term. Maybe I’d produce a drawing on a spare piece of sugar paper from the scraps drawer, but we certainly didn’t go out and buy anything. It seems to be the done thing to buy gifts these days though. Last year I made book bags for the three form teachers in my boys lives, but this year, despite embarking on starting a similar project weeks ago, I failed to achieve finished gifts in time. I wimped out and bought sweets and had a go a making cards instead. 

Do you remember the frangipani flowers I featured in last week’s Sunday Sevens? I had a go at painting them and made it into a card for a special teacher who has taught not one but two little Postcards. Ms D is a very special lady who was my eldest’s first teacher when we arrived to live in Gibraltar and played a very important role in making both, our son’s and our job of settling in here, so much easier. This year she has been middle Postcard’s class teacher and has done a stirling job getting him ready for middle school. Thank you Ms D for all you have done xxx

More frangipanis 

Remember I mentioned the pink ones last week? Well they started blooming on a branch low enough to photograph this week. They’re gorgeous aren’t they? They’re so perfect looking that they almost don’t look real.

A lovely way to start the day

A few years ago, a group of mums from school used to regularly meet for coffee after the morning school run. It was such fun. We’d share news and help each other where we could. It was a great tonic at the end or the middle of a hectic school week. Slowly in the ensuing months and years, some of the mums got jobs, some moved away from Gibraltar and others saw their children move up to middle school so our coffee mornings became very occasional. 

I’ve missed my morning catch up with the girls (now when we do meet up it tends to be in the evening over a glass of wine – not an unattractive option granted). I’ve also missed my pan tumaca though too. I make it at home every now and then but it’s so much nicer eating it alongside a large cappuccino ;-). 

On Wednesday morning I had a little bit of time to kill in town before an appointment so took I myself out for breakfast. I sat and read Cider with Rosie on my own like Billy-no-mates and I didn’t care, it was delicious!

A last free morning for painting

On Thursday morning I had a whole hour to myself before an appointment to take littlest Postcard to look around his new school. I selfishly took that time to crack out my paints and have a go at a few little pictures which can be used to decorate the front of some more homemade cards. It was great fun and just what I needed.   🙂

The end of an era 

Friday was an emotional day for me as all three of the little postcards said goodbye to their lovely teachers and we said a final goodbye to the first school we have been attached to since our first arrival in Gibraltar. The two eldest are of an age to move onto their next schools and as we have since moved house from our original apartment and into a different catchment area, littlest Postcard moves this summer too. I underestimated how sad I would feel at the end of this chapter in our lives. We have enjoyed our time at the school so much.  

Summer holidays start here…

This weekend we have enjoyed the visit of an old friend of the family, a university friend of both Mr Postcard and myself. This is his fourth visit to Gibraltar to see us but until yesterday he’d never been out into the Bay to see the dolphins before. 

We all headed out on one of the dolphin trips which operate out of Marina Bay and had a great view of many dolphins. There was a huge pod of mothers and babies which came very close to the boat. Some of the babies were very small and just a few days old. It was a wonderful trip and the perfect way to start our long summer break.

If you would like to see more about the dolphins who visit the Bay and Straits of Gibraltar, you might like my post about our last dolphin trip.

Summer craft challenge

I have decided to set myself a challenge this summer holiday; to do something crafty every day. Often during the long 8-week-long summer break from school, my crafty pursuits are shelved in order to keep up with three children at home full time. That, I have learned from experience, has an impact on my mood and general ability to cope with the demands I face. For that reason I have decided to challenge myself to maintain my crafty endeavours throughout the summer, both for my benefit and the benefit of those around me.

Last night I started a new mini project while drinking fruit punch and waiting for Mr Postcard to cook a delicious barbecue for us all. I shall keep you posted on its progress. I will be posting daily photos on my Instagram account with the tag : #summercraftchallenge2016. Please tag me if you fancy joining in.

Sunday Sevens is a weekly blog post created by Natalie from Threads & Bobbins. For more information, pop along to her blog. (Did you notice that this week it was Sunday eights? I couldn’t resist putting in two photos from our dolphin trip)

Until next Sunday, I hope you have a great week, thank you for stopping by 🙂

15 thoughts on “Sunday Sevens #39 10.7.16

  1. It’s a lovely feeling to have the summer holidays stretching out ahead of you with no need for alarm clocks or timetables isn’t it? I could never understand people who moaned about school holidays – although for parents who work outside the home it is obviously very difficult.
    I remember when my two girls left the village primary school back in the U.K. – it was a very tearful occasion and that was just me 😉
    Those frangipani flowers look amazing – what a great photo! I love your little paintings too – I wouldn’t call the time spent doing them ‘selfish’ though if you are going to be using them to make cards for people – or even if you aren’t”
    I hope you manage some more ‘me-time’ in the long weeks to come.

    1. Thank you for that, I’m so glad it’s not just me who finds their children moving on from schools emotional. The school in question is very much like a village one with small classes and everyone knowing all the children. My boys were so lucky to be able to experience that.

      I have to admit that often at the start of the school holidays I dread what lies ahead but for some reason, perhaps the busy time we’ve just gone through or the prospect of new schools for all in September, this time I’m relishing the freedom which lies ahead.

      I’m glad I managed to get a photo of the pink frangipanis at last! They are beautiful. Thank you for the encouragement to do some crafty stuff, sometimes I look at my posts and wonder whether some readers might think me awfully self indulgent to be spending so much time doing ‘my’ things. I’m afraid I can’t go for long without them though, it makes me very grumpy. It’s my stress relief and head space time. I really think my family benefits from my state of mind if I’m left alone for a short while to create something, even if it’s a mess!!

  2. Not self indulgent at all – just amazing how you manage to fit everything in with three young children too. Definitely take your time to be creative – nobody wants a grumpy mother (or wife).

  3. Hear hear to all the above. I had a craft hour every day when my family were growing up. It kept me sane! And yes it was a sad day when the youngest left the village school . Big school just doesn’t have the same rapport with parents and most Mums were working anyway. The reason I finally went back to work was loneliness, no one was around any more. Anyway enjoy the school hols!

  4. Your flowers are amazing. They are like marzipan cake decorations. Very envious of your summer ahead very hard work but such special family time. Great idea with the craft project. A little sanity in a mad world K xXx

    1. Thanks Karen, at least we are guaranteed good beach weather when we’re here although it’s VERY hot at the moment – a little bit too hot. I think I’ll be doing a fair amount of crochet outdoors in the shade! X

  5. Hope you and the little postcards have a fabulous summer break. We still have another two and a half weeks before we break up. Love your watercolour paintings they are beautiful. x

  6. I love your beautiful watercolours. It was lovely to see the pictures you took on the dolphin trip and get a flavour of what it was like. Enjoy the summer with your lovely boys and best wishes to You all. X

  7. Oh being able to just go out and watch dolphins must be wonderful.
    Change is always hard but I’m sure their new schools will be good for both them and you. You might find some new mums to have that coffee break with 🙂

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