Wow… An award nomination!

Something quite unexpected happened to me this week – I was nominated for a Blogger Recognition Award. The nomination came from Mrs P at the Craft Odyssey blog. Thank you so much for such encouragement so early in my blogging journey Mrs P. It’s greatly satisfying to know that there is someone out there in cyberspace actually reading my ramblings let alone feeling it worthy of an award!

I am now supposed to mention why I started blogging:

I have been an admirer of several very talented craft bloggers for a few years now and although I liked the idea of having a go myself I never thought I’d be capable of writing something people would be interested in reading. Over the past  couple of years, as my boys are growing up a bit, I’ve been thinking a lot about my previous career in journalism which I gave up on the arrival of our first baby. I used to really enjoy writing pieces and loved the process of being able to tell a story, however I’ve not done it for over a decade. When a few people recently suggested to me that I actually start a blog I gave it serious consideration as a way to get back into writing.

After a couple of false starts I took the plunge early this summer and haven’t looked back. It has given me an outlet for my photo taking addiction and for my need to chat to somebody! We live in a rather amazing place too, Gibraltar is a hive of activity and we’re often involved in great events here as a family so there’s never a shortage of things to write about. My blog is a way for me to be creative which fits in perfectly around my life as a Mum but gives me a chance to be ME again! Hopefully, if it continues, it’ll be something that we can look back on as a family to remember all the little things which are so easily forgotten in the passage of time.

In my very short time blogging I have been bowled over with the support I have received not just from friends and family but also from people I have never and most probably will never meet – my very generous fellow bloggers, Facebook page likers, Twitter folk and Instagrammers who I have come into contact with so far. Thank you all very much for the warm welcome you have given me.

Now I  have to nominate the next Blogger Recognition Award recipients:

Mariana at The Copper Kettle Blog thank you for all your advice and for inspiring my cooking! 

Sharon at Creativity and Family, one of my first followers. Thank you also for your encouragement especially early on!

My fellow Gibraltar based bloggers:

Brit on the Rock

Gastro Rob
Nadia’s Cupcakes
Polly Mixtures
Rough seas in the Med

Doodle Mum for her witty cartoons about life with kids

 Zeens and Roger for giving me a green garden to look at and admire from afar

Ambosia Stitches a fellow expat with a passion for crafty things 

Nana Cathy a great blog about life and crafting
For inspiring me with beautiful crocheted creations and making me wish for more hours in the day to make beautiful things:

The little room of Rachell
The Twisted Yarn 


Off the hook for you

The original idea for this award came from the Edge of Night blog you can read about it’s creation here

1. Select 15 other blogs you want to give the award to. Do some digging if you must! Find those blogs. You cannot nominate yourself or the person who has nominated you.

2. Write a post to show off your award! Give a brief story of how your blog got started, and give a piece or two of advice to new bloggers. Thank whoever nominated you, and provide a link to their blog. List who you’ve nominated in the post. Make sure to also attach the award itself! (You can do this by right-clicking, saving, and uploading the image above).

3. Comment on each blog and let them know you’ve nominated them. Provide a link to the award post you created.

4. Provide a link to the original post on Edge of Night . That way, anyone can find the original guidelines and post if needed, and we can keep it from mutating and becoming confusing!

10 thoughts on “Wow… An award nomination!

  1. First let me congratulate you on your award. I enjoy reading about ‘family Gib’ as way, way back in the fifties I was RN, stationed on Gib when my frigate was in the dry dock, for a few months (!). We Iived in the dockside accommodation block and got to know quite a few Gibralterians. We loved the bars and clubs on main street too. ( Thinks: why am I thinking about Ivy Benson ? )
    I had the pleasure of returning to dear old Gib recently and was thrilled to be driven, in the tour minibus, by a chap who clearly remembered my days on the Rock.
    Keep up your good work. I am reading your current blurb on holiday in Madeira; an island with close wartime links with Gib.
    My very best wishes, Jolly Jack.

    1. Hello Jack, how lovely to hear from you. I think Gibraltar stays with anyone who gets to know it, it and it’s people are truly charming. We feel blessed to have spent a few years here. Enjoy your holiday in Madeira (a location for many exiled Gibraltarians who were evacuated from the Rock 75 years ago this year). Thank you for your encouraging words, I appreciate that you’ve taken the time to comment. I think we’re all wondering who Ivy Benson is! 🙂

  2. Hop you got my comments on Ivy Benson and her all girls band, started on the Rock. Had proles replying to your reply !
    Jolly Jack.

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