Sunday Postcard #12 1.11.20

Greetings from a rather damp and dark Manchester!

It’s been a bit wet of late, and someone rather special (who I’ll speak more of later) told me “I’m enjoying your postcards but you haven’t mentioned the rain!”. Well no, I haven’t, I’ve been focusing on the positives of our first northern autumn in over a decade. I’ve been playing to its strengths, blue skies, colourful leaves on the trees etc. I’ve been glossing over the rain.

This week though, I have to mention it. It’s been a rather miserable mid term break for the Little Postcards what with the rain, it getting darker rediculously early thanks to the clocks changing and the impending lockdown.

It’s not all been doom and gloom though…

A whole new mushroom village appeared in the front garden of our rental home literally overnight. It came up so quickly next to the one which I featured last week, it actually lifted the stones!

Boxes, boxes everywhere

Well we’re in! On Wednesday we moved into our new ‘forever’ home. We managed to move over enough stuff with cars that we could move in. Blimey it’s been hard work, in some ways it’s been a loooong week and in other ways it’s zoomed by in a flash. We’ve been sooo sooo busy! We couldn’t have done it without the help of my parents. They are super stars.

And that special person I mentioned before popped by to drop off this lovely handmade card for us. She & her husband are people I imagined we would be seeing quite a lot of when we came over here to live back in July but this week was the first time I’ve seen them since March thanks to Covid. It was so lovely to see them both at a distance on the driveway – especially as they came bearing shortbread!

White van girl

And yesterday was our final moving day. I found myself behind the wheel of this van (far out of my comfort zone) and thanks to super friends we got the last of our things moved over. It was a very successful day – apart from managing to smash my phone (but that was the only casualty thankfully!).

Podcast news

This week I was thrilled to be able to release another episode of Making Stitches. This one features my chat with the lovely Cathy from Dear Emma Designs, you can find it by searching for Making Stitches in your favourite podcast app.

That’s all for this week, and what a week it’s been. We’ll soon see what the next 7 days have in store for us, lockdown and all.

Thanks for stopping by, and until next time, take care.

Lindsay x

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