Sunday Sevens #27 17.4.16

Sunday Sevens is a weekly blog series created by Natalie at the Threads & Bobbins blog. It gives you a chance to reflect some of the things you’ve been doing in your week through a series of seven photographs. To find out more, or to join in, pop over to her blog for more information.

I hope you’ve had a good week, it’s been a busy one here and I can’t believe Sunday’s come around so quickly again!

Med Steps training

A certain seriousness has come into our training for the Med Steps challenge this week with the realisation that we have just a month left to build up our stamina to manage 5 times up the steep climb to the top of the Rock in one day. The charity event, which raises money for the Cancer Relief Centre here in Gibraltar, is open to individuals and teams (some of whom actually run up!?). You can enter a team of 5 and each individual can do  it once or like us (in our little team of 3) you can all do it 5 times. We won’t be breaking any records and the event is open from 9 until 5 on the day so there’s a very good chance we’ll take a long time to complete it. 

One morning we all got together for a team training session – our first collective one for weeks, and did twice round. It’s starting to get really rather hot and this photo was taken on our second circuit (not too far from the top) when I stopped for a breather and some water. We are praying for overcast weather on the big day so we don’t all keel over from exhaustion and sun stroke – I fear some unflattering head gear may be de-rigeur. I’ll keep you posted on our progress, we are stepping up our training this week….

Postcard family bake-off 

We have a Postcard family birthday coming up soon and one of the little Postcards thought we should have a baking competition to decide on the birthday cake of choice ahead of the event. Sadly it was not in the luscious English countryside and neither Paul Hollywood, Mary Berry nor Mel or Sue were in attendance (probably for the best). 

Now, I do enjoy eating cakes but am not the world’s best baker by any means. In the interest of family harmony, I ‘threw’ the competition (shh – don’t tell anyone) by making millionaire’s shortbread ably assisted by the smallest Postcard while another young Postcard made a chocolate fudge cake with a garnish of sweets! The chocolate fudge cake won as it was a ‘cake’ and did taste rather good. The millionaire’s shortbread was incredibly sickly although it did improve on chilling. Now I have to make another cake in time for the birthday celebrations!! Just as well I’m doing the steps a lot in order to burn all of this off!

Final home furnishings class

This week, we had the last of our 12 home furnishings classes and we made curtain tie-backs. You may notice they are the same fabric as the cushion I made last time for the transport fan in my life – I hope he likes them!  The Transport for London inspired material came into my possession after reading  Nana Cathy’s blog post about The Remnant House (a great fabric shop in York). I had a look at their website and bought myself some great fabric to make things for my boys. So thank you Nana Cathy for telling me about this fab shop. I hope one day to visit it for real, although I fear I’ll end up adding considerably to my stash and to-do list when that time comes! 

If you are in Gibraltar or nearby, and fancy having a go at learning to make curtains, cushions and tie-backs, I was taught by Dorcas Hammond of Dorcas Hammond Designs. She’s very experienced and a great teacher. Pop into her shop on Governor’s Street or find her on Facebook to get more info on her classes.

Dressmaking class

Sewing has begun in ernest on my first ever lined skirt in my dressmaking class. I had to unpick and re-sew my invisible zip but apart from that it was a good lesson this week and I’m pleased with the progress I made. Fingers crossed the rest of the skirt will go well ๐Ÿ™‚

Watercolour class

In watercolour class this week, we focused on skies and the different techniques you can use to paint them. One of the most interesting finds was that by painting a thin wash of raw sienna first even under blue you can get a really nice glow. I’ve got work to do on my cloud formation as they are a little sausuge shaped for now but it was fun.

A nocturnal visitor

Spring must be here because for the first time this year I spotted one of these little chaps on the bathroom window. You can see the lizards or geckos even in the middle of winter here if it’s a sunny day. They crawl out from their hibernation place and bask in a sheltered sunny spot, but they disappear long before the sun goes down and the temperature drops. This week though, we have started to have a few warmer evenings and so this little chap was lying in wait for an unsuspecting moth to come fluttering next to our bathroom window and pounce! It’s quite spectacular when it happens – like a mini version of ‘Wildlife on One’ on your window!

Bunny update

Bunny’s doing well and his fringe is continuing to grow, however because of his long hair/fur he has a tendency to get dreadlocks and matted areas despite regular brushing so we are going to  have to take him to the vets soon to have a bit cut out near his tail. It’s a bit close to his tail for us to want to attempt to cut in case we hurt him. He also needs some injections so that he can have a hop about on our back patio too… poor bunny it’s as bad as having to hoodwink kids into going to the clinic for jabs ๐Ÿ™ not looking forward to that.

I hope you have a great week, goodbye for now!

22 thoughts on “Sunday Sevens #27 17.4.16

  1. The first view from the med steps is stunning. Not that you will be looking!!! All your classes are looking good and the photo through the glass is great. Seriously have you a justgiving page or equivalent as I would love to sponsor you. As a jolly jogger I can imagine the hard work you are putting in (thank goodness for the baking) K xXx

  2. Wow! You pack a lot into seven days! My seven photos would mostly consist of alcohol and chocolate! Best of luck with your steps challenge. I’ll sponsor you too if you decide to set up a JustGiving page. I LOVE the lizard on glass photograph, as well. Really great image.

    1. Thank you ๐Ÿ™‚ they are so cute. Occasionally in the hottest months they stray into the house and you an find them on wall up near the ceiling in the middle of the night. Always a highlight. And they eat mosquitos!! Win win ๐Ÿ˜€

  3. Glad the training is going well and it’s good that you’re doing it in the heat as it will be easy-peasy if you get an overcast day. If not, then you’ll be used to it anyway:) I’m still very envious of all your classes……

    1. Thanks Shiela, I’m very lucky I know – I always wanted to do evening classes for such things before I had children but it didn’t work with the shifts I worked. I’m making up for lost time now! ๐Ÿ˜‰

  4. I think that your watercolour skies look great! Really liking the London bus fabric! We get little lizards too and they don’t half make me jump…especially when I find them behind things in the apartment! :-0

  5. Such a creative (and busy) sort you are! Love your water colors, your soon-to-be-finished skirt, all that stair training, and Bunny of course. He’s charming. I didn’t know that lizards eat mosquitos!

  6. I remember looking at the Med steps one day, and got vertigo just looking at them. One of our neighbours does a lot of running/walking, must ask if he’s doing it this year.

    Did you make a pattern for your tiebacks? My curtain book gives instructions but I’ve never got round to it.

    1. They aren’t too bad going up them vertigo-wise but I don’t look down. A lot of people come down them while we’re doing our training. I honestly think that’s harder because you can see what’s below you and they aren’t even – some are just about 15cm others are over 30cm it would be so hard to judge. Quite dangerous I think.

      I didn’t make a pattern. Our teacher had the pelform (if that’s how you spell it) ready cut and we used that as a guide leaving a seam allowance and squared but on each end to attach D rings. Then we machined the pelform to one piece of fabric then attached the other and turned it inside out. It was a very simple way of doing it. I’m pleased to report the cushion and tie backs were a hit with the young man they were made for ๐Ÿ™‚

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