Sunday Sevens #17 7.2.16

Back to class 

  As all the little postcards returned to school this week fit and well, I was able to return to my sewing and watercolour classes. Home furnishings and dressmaking didn’t yield any inspiring photos this week so I only have watercolour represented here today. Inspired by the photos I’ve been taking for my Stroll around Gibraltar posts I have decided to have a go at painting some of the things I’ve been snapping. In this photo I was trying out different techniques including cling film, wax, bubble wrap and salt to get watercolour effects for my current painting. So far it’s going well but I want to wait until it’s finished to show you. πŸ˜‰

A big noisy plane  At football training this week we were entertained by watching this huge RAF plane take off. It was enormous, the photo doesn’t do it justice. The noise was pretty awesome too. How on earth it got off the ground – I have no idea!!

 Fairies at the bottom of our patio? 

On a trip to hang out the washing this week I spied a couple of cheeky toadstools which had popped up in one of the flowerbeds on our patio. As they are associated with cool damp weather, winter/spring is a good time for them here as the autumns tend to be pretty dry.

Hot pink!

The bougainvillea on our patio’s doing well too at the moment.   

Blossom’s out
And just look – the orange and lemon trees are blossoming! We have just 3 or 4 flowers open so far but the smell… Ahh it’s divine! 

Europa Point in the sunshine
Saturday was a beautiful day again and we took the scooters out for a trip to the park at Europa Point. Our eldest opted out of the trip so that meant I was able to use his scooter and joined in the fun!!We scooted round the park, past the lighthouse and along the promenade above the crashing waves below. It was great fun and of course ended with ….

 Ice cream! 

It would have been very rude not to, don’t you think?? I can personally vouch for the chocolate variety – it was delicious! 

I hope you have had a good week. Sunday Sevens is a weekly blog series created by Natalie at Threads & bobbins.


21 thoughts on “Sunday Sevens #17 7.2.16

  1. It’s really beginning to look like Spring with all the flowers blooming πŸ™‚ Your scooter trip sounds so much fun, especially with it ending with ice cream!

    1. Haha! Anything that ends with ice cream has got to be fun I reckon ;-). Yes it does look like Spring is in the air at the moment. Can’t help feeling like Winter isn’t done with us quite yet though…

    1. Ooh no, I don’t miss proper cold! The wind can be a bit biting at times coming off the Atlantic but when you are in a spot of sheltered sunshine it can be really lovely. Lots of layers are require here at the moment – you spend lots of time dressing and undressing throughout the day! πŸ™‚

    1. Yes, thank heavens. They very kindly sent the germs my way for a few days but we are now all recovered. The bougainvillea is rather perfect isn’t it? I didn’t photograph the long leggy bare bits though πŸ˜‰

  2. The Bougainvillea is gorgeous! It reminds me of California….wonder if they grow here? And it absolutely would have been rude to ignore the ice cream, isn’t that the most perfect justification! πŸ˜‰ Lovely photos, the light house must be a great place to scoot.

  3. Lovely pictures – the toadstools look very magical πŸ™‚ It’s nice to see you are back at your classes! I love seeing how you are progressing with your painting!

  4. the watercolour looks like it is going to be lovely. Its something I really wish I could get to grips with.
    That plane does look like it is going to be very noisy, reminds me of the time I was on St Maarten and the beach was at the end of the runway. Those planes landing there were something else….

    1. We have a similar situation here we have football pitches at one end of the runway and a beach at the other. Sometimes if the wind’s blowing the sound away from you it can give you quite a fright when all of a sudden a plane appears next to you!!
      Thanks re the watercolour – I so enjoy my classes, they just whizz by and have a very calming and restorative effect on my mood. My fellow watercolour friend say our teacher should pay therapist rates for her lessons! I’d highly recommend going to a class, I don’t think I’d have got very far on my own. πŸ™‚

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