2017 Weekly photo challenge (week 22) Lost

This little chap got lost last year. I got the fright of my life as I walked past the lounge door and spied him flying about indoors – he must’ve taken a wrong turning and  flown in through the open front door. When I tried to rescue him he got himself trapped between the sashes of our old wooden windows.

Thankfully I have a young botanist in the house and he rose to the challenge of rescuing the Blue Tit. We brought him outside and popped him on the balcony. I fully expected him to fly off straight away but he stayed for a while to compose himself before scooting off to find his friends.

I’m linking with Wild Daffodil and Nana Cathy for this we key photo challenge throughout 2017.

2017 Weekly photo challenge (week 12) Historical 

Gibraltar is steeped in history, where ever you go in this small but perfectly formed place you can see it to abundance. From the Tower of Homage, also know as Moorish Castle (you can see this above), which stands sentry above the old Upper Town, and the city walls and fortifications of the Northern Defences.

Around town we have lots of lovely old buildings including the beautifully restored King’s Bastion (below).

From the outside, you wouldn’t know behind these walls there is a ten pin bowling alley, cinema and ice skating rink would you?

If you are ever on Gibraltar’s Main Street on a Saturday lunchtime, you are sure to see some living history in action, when the historical reenactment society parades past in uniforms of years gone by. Each Saturday, the former soldiers reenact the Ceremony of the Keys to the delight of many passers by and tourists.

Wearing different uniforms for different occasions, they are photographed and watched on their trip down to Casemates Square and back again.

I’m joining with Nana Cathy and Wild Daffodil for this weekly photo challenge.

2017 Weekly photo challenge (week 5) Happy

This week’s photo challenge has taken more of a personal turn rather than a look at Gibraltar. So here goes… in no particular order, here are some of the things which make me ‘happy’:

My Family (when they’re all getting on!)

Where I live (such a beautiful place and wonderful community)

Blue skies



The Med Steps (when I get to the top!)

I’m linking with Nana Cathy’s blog for this weekly photo challenge. To find out more or to join in yourself, pop over to her page to find out more.