Sunday Sevens #78 9.4.17

Hello there and welcome to this week’s installment of Sunday Sevens. A week, when again, Gibraltar has been hitting the headlines. I’ve had a lot more views than normal (presumably because of the Brexit issue and as Gibraltar features in the name of this blog) so hello to any new people. 

If you have just joined us and are hoping for topical newsworthy Gibraltar chat, I’m afraid you may be disappointed. I won’t be offended if you head off elsewhere! 

Without further ado, here’s Sunday Sevens:

Heading home

Last week we were in Suffolk for a family wedding and so last Sunday morning we began our 9 and a half hour journey back home to the Rock. It was a lovely trip back to England for a very special reason, but traveling (especially with children) can be quite tiring. 

We were so relieved when Gibraltar came into view and the pilot had let us know that the weather was calm so we should have a simple and straight forward landing at Gibraltar. My last trip back to the U.K. ended with a diversion to Malaga airport due to strong winds so I was slightly nervous that we may be delayed again, thankfully not. 

A beautiful spring evening

Mr Postcard enjoyed an evening at the Rock Hotel on Monday and sent me this lovely photo. I did nothing worthy of mention so thanks to him for Monday’s picture looking out across the top of the Alameda Gardens and out to the Bay of Gibraltar.

Fiery sky

Tuesday evening brought us the most beautiful sunset. The sky went through every colour of the rainbow (except green!). I caught a glimpse of the colours as I was making school packed lunches for the next day. I quickly grabbed my phone and shot out the front door to enjoy the show.

Dressmaking progress

So far this term, I have managed to miss 3 and a half lessons of my dressmaking course due to sick children being off school and last week’s trip back to England. Needless to say I am very far behind where I should be. For that reason I attended two lessons this week and am pleased to say I have made quite a bit of progress. I am now all ready to begin setting in the sleeves on my dress when we resume lessons after the Easter break.

Watercolour classes

Similar to my dressmaking predicament I’ve missed a lot of watercolour classes too. I’m currently working on a painting of the Med Steps, but it isn’t quite going to plan. While I was doodling on some scrap paper, this little picture appeared. Not bad considering I was mucking about! Shame the picture I was working on isn’t as good!!

Talking of painting…

One of Gibraltar’s historic buildings has been undergoing a bit of a makeover this week and it’s caused a bit of a stir. A façade of the Inces Hall had been brightened up with some officially sanctioned street art. It’s part of an urban regeneration project by the Government but it has angered some who think it’s the wrong location for the artwork.

This time last week…

I have had such a busy week but very little of it was worth recording in a photo, so for my final photo in this week’s Sunday Sevens I’m breaking the rules and including a photo taken last Saturday evening as we walked across the marshes from Southwold town centre to the harbour for our dinner. It was so tranquil (if you focused on the bird song and ignored the sounds of bickering Little Postcards).

I hope this has been a good week for you, thanks so much for stopping by!

Sunday Sevens is a weekly blog series created by Natalie at Threads & Bobbins blog.