2017 Weekly photo challenge (week 16) Arches

Gibraltar does a good arch, so I’ve had plenty to choose from this week!

These beauties can be found on the front of the former Police Station in Irish Town. The building is currently unused, so hopefully someone will breathe new life into it soon. It’s too nice to lie empty for long.

This unassuming arch is the the entrance to the Tower of Homage, also know as Moorish Castle

Inside the Tower, it’s full of ancient Moorish arches.

Gibraltar’s old city walls have a fair few arches cut into them to allow for traffic.

It’s old buildings also feature many fine examples of arches…

Although some are no longer there… owing to a redevelopment called ‘The Arches’.

Sacred Heart Church boasts elegant arches on its entrance porch.

We even had brightly lit Christmas light arches last year!

I’m linking with Nana Cathy and Wild Daffodil for this weekly photo challenge throughout 2017.